LL.M. Specialization in Human Rights
To be awarded the specialization in Human Rights, a student must obtain a B- (2.7) grade average in courses taken for this specialization, and earn a minimum of ten units of credit from at least four courses within the specialization.Detailed course descriptions are linked in the listings below. Prospective students should bear in mind that, due to curriculum scheduling and faculty availability, not every class listed is taught each year. This is most often true in the case of seminar courses. A sufficient number of courses will be available to enable those students who choose to specialize to satisfy the specialization requirements.
- Required Course
Group A
(At least one two-credit course is required)
LAW 298International Criminal Law
LAW 383Political Asylum and Refugee Law
LAW 465Prospects for International Justice
LAW 566Laws of War (International Humanitarian Law)
LAW 584Human Rights and Sexual Politics
LAW 657Contemporary Issues Facing the International Criminal Court
LAW 717International Human Rights Clinic
LAW 794Human Rights Litigation Clinic
Group B
(Sum of Required, Group A, and Group B courses must equal at least 4 courses and 10 units)
LAW 201Constitutional Law II
LAW 202Criminal Procedure: Investigations
LAW 214Civil Rights
LAW 260Labor Law & Collective Action
LAW 261Employment Law
LAW 263Employment Discrimination Law
LAW 266Critical Race Theory
LAW 267Federal Indian Law
LAW 269National Security Law
LAW 270Public International Law
LAW 287Federal Indian Law II
LAW 318Law, Gender, and Sexuality
LAW 331Immigration Law
LAW 376Law and Dissent
LAW 389Prison Law and Policy
LAW 429Capital Punishment in America
LAW 461Congressional Investigations: Powers, Precedents, and Politics
LAW 466Public Health, Migration, & Human Rights
LAW 468China and the International Legal Order
LAW 472Human Rights and the Protection of the Environment
LAW 496Race, Racism, and Law
LAW 497Critical Issues in Human Rights
LAW 509Rights, Secrecy, and the Limits of Public Interest Litigation
LAW 533The Philosophy of Prisons and Punishment
LAW 537Low-Wage Workers
LAW 542Race, Sexuality, and the Law
LAW 587Free Speech Theory
LAW 589Successful Strategies for Human Rights Advocacy
LAW 593Preventive Detention
LAW 614Global Perspectives on Criminal Procedure
LAW 616Theories of International Law
LAW 619Environmental Justice Law
LAW 630International Queer Rights
LAW 636Chinese Law & Legal Institutions
LAW 653Critical Race Studies Scholarship Workshop
LAW 658Human Rights and War Crimes Digital Investigations
LAW 688Philosophy of Migration Law
LAW 697Gun Rights and Regulation
LAW 699Freedom of Speech: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives
LAW 728Tribal Legal Development Clinic
LAW 773Immigrants' Rights Policy Clinic
LAW 786Pretrial Justice Clinic
LAW 792Immigrant Family Legal Clinic
LAW 837Domestic Violence Prevention Practicum
LAW 838Civil Rights Litigation Practicum
LAW 937Reparations for Black Americans – Legal Issues and Challenges
LAW 941Law of the US - Mexico Border
LAW 951Human Rights Challenge
LAW 964Comparative Sex Equality
LAW 966Enslavement and Racialization in U.S. Legal History
LAW 993Human Rights and the Global Economy