LL.M. Specialization in Environmental Law
To be awarded the specialization in Environmental Law, students must maintain a B- (2.7) grade average in courses taken for the specialization. Detailed course descriptions are linked in the listings below. Prospective students should bear in mind that, due to curriculum scheduling and faculty availability, not every class listed is taught each year. This is most often true in the case of seminar courses. A sufficient number of courses will be available to enable those students who choose to specialize to satisfy the specialization requirements.
- Required Course
Group A
(At least three courses are required)
LAW 216Administrative Law
LAW 286Land Use
LAW 293Public Natural Resources Law and Policy
LAW 350Energy Law and Regulation
LAW 382Food as Commons or Commodity? The Case for Agroecology
LAW 438International Environmental Law and Policy
LAW 472Human Rights and the Protection of the Environment
LAW 489Future Law: Law and Governance under transformative societal trends
LAW 490Renewable Energy Project Finance
LAW 505A/BMajor Problems in Environment & Sustainability
LAW 513Topics in California Environmental Law
LAW 527Natural Resources Law
LAW 560Regulation of the Business Firm: Theory and Practice
LAW 591Climate Change Law and Policy
LAW 615Ocean and Coastal Law and Policy
LAW 619Environmental Justice Law
LAW 643The Regulation of the Automobile
LAW 689Future Law: Legal & Governance Responses to Transformative Societal Trends
LAW 692Water Law
LAW 716International Climate Change Law and Policy Clinic
LAW 719Frank G. Wells Environmental Law Clinic
LAW 732Land Development Simulation
LAW 738California Environmental Legislation and Policy Clinic
LAW 741Environmental Aspects of Business Transactions
LAW 742Regulatory Lawyering
Externship Option
An LL.M. student who is pursuing this specialization and obtains an externship relating to environmental law may apply it as a Group A course for the specialization. A student wishing to use an externship as a Group A course must receive the prior consent of the designated faculty advisor. Consent requires a demonstration that the externship will provide exposure to relevant substantive areas of law. Regardless of the number of externships or externship units a student completes, a student may use an externship to count, at most, as one Group A course.