Journal of Gender and Law

Mission: The UCLA Journal of Gender and Law, established in 1989, is dedicated to the critical analysis of gender as it is structured and reinforced by the law and legal institutions. Integral to this mission is the promotion of scholarship that attends to the ways that race, class, ability, sexuality, nationality, religion, and other forms of marginalization constitute and intersect with gender as a lived and legal reality. We strive to incorporate critiques of the law as a tool of oppression, as well as solutions for collective liberation that operate within and beyond the law.

The Journal of Gender and Law situates itself in the evolving and multifaceted feminist movement, attuned to the dynamic challenges facing women and other marginalized genders beyond the walls of legal academia. As part of this mandate, the journal contests the boundaries of traditional legal scholarship. We publish poems, reflections, and short stories in addition to standard law review articles and include the voices of students, practitioners, and law professors.

  • Call for Submissions

    The UCLA Journal of Gender and Law is currently accepting submissions. Please email your submission to

  • Staff

    UCLA Journal of Gender and Law Staff - Volume 28

    Editors in Chief: Cecilia Bobbitt & Gabriella Kamran

    Chief Articles Editors: Haley Sanders & Mary Naughton

    Events & Alumni Coordinators: Sarah Daniels & Elizabeth Doski

    Chief Managing Editors: Laura Lacarcel, Alexandra Kolsky, Bryanna Walker, Sophia DiFilippo, Madeleine Menke, & Mai-Anh Tran

    Chief Submissions Editor: Paris Sanders

    Copy and Production Editors: Alexandra Miller Patrice Ruane, & Talia Housik

    Articles Editors: Evie Zavidow, Sophie Kosmacher, Hannah Schnell, Kayla Malone, Maria Demarco, Jessmine Lee, & Helene Evers

    Submissions Editors: Yasmin Abusaif, Kate Serota, Charlotte Krovoza, & Agnes Shin

    Managing Editors: Jennifer Schulman, Peyton Sherwood, Lacey Sun, Alex Mulhall, Katarina Rusinas, Sophie Newman, Leah Chrisbacher, Romina Rastegar, Anastasia Thatcher, Kelly Ilacqua, Sophia Jain, Talia Housik, Kellie Swannie, Casey Marek, Arley Titzler, Sajni Patel, Rachel Kaiser, Lucy Rollins, Poppy Kemp, Haley Carpenter, Janina Heller, & Anna Burbank

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